Do not lose any single moment for the salvation of souls, time is
My daughter, watch with Me. These are dark hours, in
the Sacrament of My Love keep Me company. Pray a
great deal. Cloister souls in your heart; in the first line
the souls I entrusted souls. I thirst for souls. I need
you to quench My thirst.
Listen to My call!
Make reparation and sacrifices for souls. You must understand why
your sufferings are needed. You can only save souls by sufferings.
Do not lose any single moment for the salvation of souls, time is
These are grave moments. The world has never been like this in the
course of history. Pray a great deal and cross yourself frequently
with the sign of the cross. I implore you always to respect Thursdays
as days of My special graces. I need your total obedience. You must
heed My words and guidance from My Apostle. You must regard
these days as days of reparation. These times of prayers.
Mankind hurls torrents of blasphemies and lies against the Church!
This perverse world is like a persecuting dragon. He will try to trap
all those who believe and refuse this idolatry! Many souls who
denied My name will believe in these malicious works. Mankind
with its diabolical behaviours bring down upon itself punishments
and scourges, plagues, famine, war, cosmic cataclysms, threats of
Divine Judgment. These are the image of the deadly weapons!
My Divine Mercy is great if they repent and do penance but mankind
walks at the side of the Red Lucifer. Their souls live in the mud of
the Earth. They free themselves. What is most terrible is that the Red
Lucifer wishes to destroy the faith and trust of My chosen souls.
Pray without ceasing; do not be afraid. I will always make you
feel in your heart the illuminating effect of My Divine Presence in
the Blessed Sacrament of My Love. In your soul I have erected an
altar. I ask you to bear and endure sufferings patiently not only for
yourself but for so many souls in need of salvation. Embrace Me and
serve Me loyally.