Mankind must renounce sin! The world is riddled with all kinds of
corruption! I can no longer detain the arm of Divine Justice.
My daughter, watch with Me; these are dark hours. Pray
a great deal, amid tears of blood I speak to you. I
thirst for souls. My Divine Love and Mercy is great if
mankind repent and do penance, but they walk at the
Red Lucifer’s side.
My daughter, look and see what is happening in this world! Mankind
must renounce sin! The world is riddled with all kinds of corruption!
I can no longer detain the arm of Divine Justice. Listen to Me
patiently, do not be afraid.
I pour My tears of blood over mankind, what more could I have
suffered for mankind.
My Churches are reduced to languid meeting places. The obstinacy
of some centuries ago continues to exist and dominate. This
perverse world is like a persecuting dragon. Mankind hurls torrents
of blasphemies and lies against the Church!
Many souls who have denied My name will believe in these
malicious works. Among them, there is a diabolical transformation
and they scandalize the other nations and mankind.
My daughter pray, pray, pray, do penance, acts of reparation and
contrition not only for yourself. Be aware, reflect deeply, these are
grave moments. Never has it been like this in the history of mankind.
Mankind with its behaviour diabolical brings down upon itself
punishments and scourges: plagues, famine, war, cosmic cataclysms,
threats of divine judgment. These are the images of the deadly
Like a beggar I plead and beg for souls, almost all of mankind
abuses Me. I am bent over them but the times are terrible: I am
bleeding from pain and My heart is torn into pieces by this corrupted
I implore My Apostle of the last days to speak out to these souls.
I want from him “small hosts” to atone for the crimes which are
committed everyday in the first line by the souls I entrusted souls.
In monasteries and convents, tongues and lips which receive me in
the Holy Communion are used for very bad unkind words daily. In
confession very few repent sincerely. I need My Apostle to speak
this, I will give him strength to do so. I will increase my graces in
him! Although I will let his suffering be increased. I see that he is
using well the grace of total reliance on me. The Red Lucifer knows
of this therefore he strives to deprive him of it with all his strength.
I am with him! I will sow in his soul the seeds of My graces. I need
many prayers and Holy Sacrifices of Masses of atonement for the
salvation of these poor souls.
You must obey all what he warns you. I guide him to lead you along
your painful spiritual path.
I will not be mocked forever. Pray without ceasing.
I bless you.