The souls I entrusted souls abandon their vocation and drag down
other souls entrusted to souls, countless number of Religious and lay
people who offer them themselves for their pleasures!
My daughter, watch with Me, these are dark hours.
I speak to you amid My tears of blood. Do not be afraid.
I want you to sacrifice, you must be humble. At every
call you must come with Me up to Calvary. I am bleeding from pain
and My heart is torn into pieces by this corrupted mankind!
I am bent over mankind, these are terrible times! My daughter I
order you, you must live like a Tabernacle at my disposition and
that of all mankind in reparation for sins of all kinds. This is My
command to you!
The souls I entrusted souls abandon their vocation and drag down
other souls entrusted to souls, countless number of Religious and
lay people who offer them themselves for their pleasures! Countless
number of souls go to perdition because of their dishonesty! How
cold is this mankind!
One after another their eyes are blindfolded, they approach the
highest of precipices! If they do not repent and believe, they will go
to perdition. The Red Lucifer tells them do not believe. I pour My
tears of blood over them, countless number of souls are on the brink
of the pit!
What more could I have suffered for mankind. My love for them is
unlimited, I want to save them. I am desolate.
I tell My Apostle of the last days to speak out, I have prepared him.
He must insist to everyone that I Love them and forgive them. I am
Jesus crucified. My Mercy is immense. I wait for them. I tell him
to tell them My Love for mankind has cost Me to lower Myself to
this level to veil Myself and remain in the small white Host. Their
repentance is sufficient.
I ask My Apostle of the last days to speak out, not to be silent
because these are hours of the terrible abandonment! Sparks of fire
will rain down from heaven and everyone will be in terror! The hour
is drawing near, My church will be crazed with pride of violence.
My Eternal Father’s Justice will be inexorable with all those who
live without remembering Him. Because they do not want to live My
Life. The fallacies in their brutal conceptions of life will constitute
their sentence!
The souls I entrusted souls have degraded the nobility of their
Sacred Ministry through living in superficiality, and not holding fast
to the greatness of the gift received. They allow the Red Lucifer to
instigate them.
Pray a great deal. Keep watch with Me, do reparation.
To My Apostle of the last days, I have given him a mission and a
mandate that he must fulfil! I have prepared him. His prayers and
Sacrifices are pleasant to My Heart. I grant him what he asks for. All
his sufferings are useful for appeasing My Eternal Father’s Anger!
My Divine Mercy is followed by My Divine Justice. Soon I will put
the whole world in its own casket.
Pray without ceasing.
I bless you.