“Look, the good people live a lethargic life among so many bushes
which they have not the strength to overcome. With an exaggerated
freedom and without any scruples, the devil instigates them. They
do not believe anything exists; my daughter, how much bitterness!”
“My daughter pray and atone. My Eternal Father
is profaned also in sacred places. He has been
forgotten by many souls. Look, the good people
live a lethargic life among so many bushes
which they have not the strength to overcome. With an exaggerated
freedom and without scruples the devil instigates them8. They don’t
believe anything exists; my daughter, how much bitterness!
I give so many messages to the whole world but the world rejects
them. It is horrible to fall in God’s Hands9. There will be floods,
earthquakes, demolition, eruptions, homicides, plagues and famine.
My daughter, do not be frightened of this. With many prayers and
sacrifices you still have time to detain My Eternal Father’s Hand.
The Red Lucifer works in... with strong infernal legions. You have
to be an ambassador of order and peace. Save souls. Your prayers are
pleasant to God’s Heart. He hears you.
“Pray a great deal. ...is in danger! The evil ones march beside the
devil. The sinning freemasonry, what a pain! All this will cause
humanity to fall into more errors.”
“I bless him10 and you.”