“For the few who care for Me, I bless and lead them always in the
state of Grace.”
“Listen, My daughter, pray and bring Me souls. I
thirst. I saved the world through My death on the
Cross. My Face was covered with tears and blood.
In the midst of My suffering I was racked by a
most violent thirst. It was a more burning thirst for the salvation of
mankind. I died in the deepest affliction without any relief so that all
human race may have eternal life. What a pain that souls are falling
into perdition and My Blood is now in vain for them!
The souls I love so much do not know to what extent. With My
tears of blood I call each and every soul to My Kingdom which I
have given by My great love. Assure souls that time is approaching
when all that is evil will be abolished and everlasting justice will
take place.
In the Sacrament of My Love, I stand in the midst of mankind calling
and forgiving. The souls close to Me have whipped and denied My
Bring Me more souls in your prayers. Many times. I give you keen
pleasure so that as it fills your heart with love you may recognise
Me. I call you to leave yourself to the strokes of the chisel. I love you
to the point of doing the good I want to souls.
Do not grow weary of praying and calling souls. I ask you to be
attentive to Me. For the few who care for Me I bless and lead them
always in the state of grace.