“Freemasonry hurls itself against the Church... The times demand
accelerated action. My pain is immense! Humanity has not become
aware of the scourge that threatens it. Satan wants victory, treachery
against... Great offences will befall... I have many graces in My
Hands ready to offer all who will return to me.”
“My daughter, listen attentively to what I tell you.
The times demand accelerated action. My pain
is immense! Humanity has not become aware
of the scourge that threatens it. Pray a great deal. With the Church among... there will be many deaths. Blood-Spattering. Satan wants victory.
Freemasonry hurls itself against the Church. Great offences will
befall... I have many graces in My Hands ready to offer all who will
return to Me. I must assure this to mankind. I want them to repent and
come back to My sheepfold, to the truth and the light. I am calling
with love. Whoever frees his mind from mundane affairs and returns
to My Heart will have My forgiveness. I will forgive their sins. I want them all to return to My Heart. I became Eucharist for you so that you too can then be Eucharist for many. I must accomplish many things in you.”