“... many marriages without sacraments... This is sad for Me.”
“My daughter, write down what I tell you. With all
My Love I appeal to this humanity. My Heart
is pierced by mortal sins and blasphemies of
all kinds! The world has united itself to Satan.
I want these sins to be appeased by prayer and penance! The world is
destroying itself! Italy will be crippled by her assassinations. Rome
is readying itself to be destroyed by the surge of godless consciences;
corruption has reached the limit! ...17 are held responsible for many
marriages without sacraments because they have made allowances
for this liberty. This is sad for Me.
Small fires have been set alight everywhere like a contagious plague
which inundates souls and enslaves them to everything. The Romans
themselves will betray Rome and all of Italy. Many spies and traitors
deny their own fatherland. I am abused and spat upon by My Own
consecrated ones. I am denied and profaned! They neither believe
in My Mystical Body nor do they want to believe. What a pain! My
daughter! Pray a great deal. My Churches will be devastated and
sacked and My Sacred Body trampled underfoot. They no longer
want to serve My Eternal Father being without grace.”
“I bless you.”