The souls I love so much do not understand that the tyrant has stolen
their hearts, locking them up in the prison of scandal and all kinds
of malicious corruption.
My daughter, listen to what I make you write. Be very
attentive. I speak to you and write carefully what I
tell you.
Pray a great deal, sacrifice, atone and keep Me
company in the Sacrament of My Love. It is I who ask you this.
I want mankind to know the seriousness of the present state of the
world and to understand the inexorable Divine Justice of My Eternal Father. He has been attacked in all His Power and all the heavens are outraged.
The souls I love so much do not understand that the tyrant has stolen
their hearts, locking them up in the prison of scandal and all kinds of
malicious corruption. Both hatred and emptiness have fettered them
to evil. They do not think that they cause Me so much pain. I speak
to you amid tears of blood bending over mankind. In many ways I
have warned them but they continue along the ways of perdition.
My daughter, I implore you to pray and cloister souls in your heart;
in the first line the souls I entrusted souls. For the sake of souls
accept above all what could humiliate you, trials that place you in
contradiction with the world and all who surround you. Do not fear
of being belittled in the eyes of others.
What happened to Me? I was abused and covered with shame in
front of everyone. Do not pay attention to everything you are told.
Heed My words which are of the utmost authority and security in
confused times like these. Sheep with no guide, with no shepherd,
to whom would you go if I were not here. Listen to Me and obey in
My Apostle of the last days. Heed and obey My words in him. I need
your total obedience. Accept all that causes you moral sufferings for
the sake of My work. You have My favour.
Pray more and do penance in these secret hours.
Abandon yourself in My heart and do what I have commanded you.
The time has ripened in so many years of sufferings.
What more could I have suffered for mankind. My Divine Mercy is
followed by My Divine Justice.