“I thirst, longing to cleanse all their sins in My Blood.”
“My daughter, pray a great deal and cloister souls
in your heart. It is My great love for mankind
that keeps Me a prisoner in the tabernacles.
From My Divine Mercy I instituted the
Sacraments of penance so that I may forgive souls not for a time
but as often as they need to recover grace;58 there I thirst longing
to cleanse all their sins in My Blood. In many ways I have revealed
Myself to mankind from ages past.59 The souls consecrated to Me
have always whipped and denied Me. I have suffered all the pains
of mankind. What more could I have suffered? Veiled under the
species of bread and concealed in a small white Host, I dwell bearing
solitude, blasphemies, sacrileges and contempt.
As I am exposed I will pour the treasures of My infinite Mercy into
human souls. I want mankind to know My love. In My childhood I
endured cold, hunger and persecution for the love of mankind. Today
My great love for mankind still keeps Me in this same situation as
I dwell day and night in the Sacrament of My Love. There in the
tabernacle I hunger and thirst and I am still persecuted.
I do not want anyone to perish. I bought souls at the price of My
Life. My great desire is to free all from the tyranny of sin. I have
nothing more precious like the souls of mankind.
The obstinacy of guilty souls wounds Me deeply because I call souls
day and night, and many refuse and abuse My Love towards them. I
need the desire of reparation. I thirst and long for souls; it is not only
their return that I seek but their confidence in My Divine Mercy that
they may never doubt My Love and forgiveness. What a pain to Me!
I cannot stand seeing souls falling into perdition.”
“I give My blessing.”