“Mankind lives in obstinacy of sin.”
“I implore you to write down My words. Pray a great deal
and cloister souls in your heart. The souls consecrated
to Me wound My Heart in many ways. They reject
and blaspheme Me. They even do not recognise My
Presence there in the prison of My tabernacle. There are many souls
in My Church yet they live in darkness... have been transformed
into veritable incarnate demons. They preach and prepare the most
sophisticated armaments72 for leading souls to perdition. They have
created many scandals which lead to ruin.
Mankind lives in obstinacy of sin. With My tears of blood, I call
them back before My Eternal Father’s wrath. Pray a great deal. More
than ever the thieves in the devil’s rank are claiming many victims.
My Mercy is followed by Justice. The everlasting ages are mine.”